102 W. 3RD ST., SUITE 750
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It starts with crying, cooing, and babbling, and then you finally hear their first words! Sharing those language milestone moments can be some of our best experiences as infant and toddler teachers. During this training you will learn how children birth to three develop their language and communication skills and gain strategies to support development in this domain for all infants and toddlers. In addition, participants will discuss how their current classroom practices support children’s language development and communication skills.
Presenter: Sandy Weaver, Infant Toddler Specialist
Child Care Resource Center
Cost; Free
2.0 DEDEE credit hrs.
Please note: Participating in training while in the classroom may be violation of child care licensing rules. We encourage all participants to arrange to be relieved from child staff ratio to be fully present in the training. Active participation during the live event is required to receive DCDEE credit for this class.