102 W. 3RD ST., SUITE 750
PHONE: (336) 245-4900
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Join us for a training on ways to effectively utilize and implement music in your child care settings! We will discuss music’s influence in child development and skill growth along with practical ways for you to promote increased learning and development through musical activities and supports. Early childhood development is integral to development of skills throughout the lifespan and what better way to facilitate that growth than through implementing music in the daycare setting? We will learn how music impacts the brain and effective ways to use music to support things like transitioning between activities and emotion regulation. If you’re tired of hearing the same songs on repeat in your daycare and want to acquire new, creative ways to integrate music into your setting, this hands-on training is for you!
Presenter: Sarah Gaddy , MT-BC, QP
Music Therapist
Amos Cottage Therapeutic Day Program
Cost: $20.00
2.0 DEDEE credit hrs.
Deadline for registration 01.25.22