Would you like to gain a better understanding of the Infant Toddler Environment Rating Scale? More importantly, discover how to use the ITERS-R as a self-assessment tool to maintain quality long after the assessment is over. This two-hour training provides an overview of the ITERS-R. This training will explain the organization of the seven subscales used to evaluate programs, as well as the scoring system and what programs can expect before, during and after the assessment. Participants are encouraged to bring a copy of the spiral bound Infant Toddler Environmental Rating Scale-Revised edition (DCDEE 1,5,8).
Facilitator: Sandy Weaver, Infant/Toddler Regional Specialist
Credit Hours: 2
Cost: $5.00 (Pay the night of training – PLEASE BRING CORRECT AMOUNT)
For more information: Visit http://partnershipforchildren.org/events-2/early-childhood-professionals/ OR Call (336)249-6688