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Do you find yourself asking your students to think about how someone else might feel? Or how they would feel if they were in another child’s situation? Are you answered with blank stares and shoulder shrugs? This training will help you dig deeper into those questions and encourage children to recognize their own feelings, emotions and reactions, as well as those of others by developing the much needed social skill of empathy. We will explore the differences between empathy and sympathy; explore body language and facial expressions; and write empathetic responses to common situations. Join this interactive online event and leave with practical strategies to encourage empathy in your classroom every day!
Through discussion, group activities and interactive activities; participants will define empathy, match emotions to critical muscle movements, compare and contrast empathy and sympathy, write an empathetic response to a situation, and state strategies to encourage empathy in a classroom.
Instructor: Karen Darby
Cost $30 .5 CEU