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The 2013 North Carolina Foundations for Early Learning and Development is now available. This version updates and combines the previous Foundations documents (i.e., the 2005 Foundations: Early Learning Standards for North Carolina Preschoolers and Strategies Guiding Their Success, and the 2007 Infant Toddler Foundations: Guidelines for Development and Learning for North Carolina’s Infants and Toddlers). The revised Foundations spans birth to age 5 and includes goals, developmental indicators, and strategies in five developmental domains:
•Approaches to Play and Learning •Emotional and Social Development •Health and Physical Development •Language Development and Communication •Cognitive Development
Presenter Laura Brown, Training/Tech Assistance Specialist
Fee: $40.00 .5 CEU’s
Deadline to registe11/6/17 @ 12pm
To register clink on the link below or call CCRC @ (336) 245-4900