Child Care Resource Center Logo

102 W. 3RD ST., SUITE 750
PHONE: (336) 245-4900
TOLL-FREE: (800) 937-7610
FAX: (336) 608-4352

Stokes-“Why you” (Understanding Trauma and Building Resilience)

Stokes Partnership-Children, 151 Jefferson Church Rd, King, NC 27021, United States NC, United States

In this training participants will learn about childhood trauma, ACE'S and COVID's impact on ACE'S. We will talk about stress (types of stress) and how that presents itself in the classroom setting. Participants will look at changing their mindsets around trauma to support children and families in their classrooms. We will look at Protective Factors […]


CCRC – Basic School Age Care (BSAC) Online

Virtual Online Training NC, United States

BSAC (Basic School Age Care) is a 5-hour introductory level training event for school age care professionals that are new to the field. The training includes the following modules: 1) Health, Safety, & Nutrition,2) Environmental Design, 3) Child/Youth Development 4) Developmentally Appropriate Activities, 5) Guiding Child Behavior, and 6) Quality School Age Care. This training […]

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