Child Care Resource Center Logo

102 W. 3RD ST., SUITE 750
PHONE: (336) 245-4900
TOLL-FREE: (800) 937-7610
FAX: (336) 608-4352


Virtual Online Training NC, United States

For new participates and renewal of certification. This required training explains all the parts of North Carolina’s SIDS Law. Participants will review information about when and how to use the approved waivers, how to best place a baby in bed to sleep, and other “Best Practice” recommendations. During the workshop, participants will get the needed […]


CCRC – Playground Safety Parts 1 & 2

Virtual Online Training NC, United States

Outdoor play encourages movement and physical activity that is stimulating for children’s development and learning. The Playground safety training addresses playground safety hazards, playground supervision, maintenance, general upkeep of the outdoor area, and age and developmentally appropriate playground equipment. This training offers a practical and educational interpretation of North Carolina Child Care Commission’s playground safety […]

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