Child Care Resource Center Logo

102 W. 3RD ST., SUITE 750
PHONE: (336) 245-4900
TOLL-FREE: (800) 937-7610
FAX: (336) 608-4352

Child Care Professionals

Child care is a growing industry. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of child care workers is projected to increase by 18 percent between 2006 and 2016, which is faster than the average for all occupations. Qualified caregivers are the staple of this profession. Child Care Resource Center has programs and staff available to provide support and technical assistance as you open or work to improve the quality of your child care setting.

Referrals to Your Program

Are you interested in adding information about your child care program to our database? Child Care Resource Center maintains a database of over 800 legally operating child care programs in Region 10, which consists of Forsyth andeight surrounding counties (Alleghany, Ashe, Davidson, Davie, Stokes, Surry, Wilkesand Yadkin.) Parents accessing child care referral services will find information about your business by searching the online database or by calling our office. Please contact our database manager for more information.

Services for Family Child Care Programs

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Family Child Care Pre-Licensing Workshops

Thinking of starting your own in-home child care program? Learn about North Carolina state requirements, programming standards and better business practices by registering for the next pre-licensing workshop (PDF). Call (336) 245-4900 for registration and additional information.

Stars and Beyond

CCRC offers training and professional support to family child care homes in Forsyth County to help improve the quality of their programs. Our Provider Specialists have experience in the child care field and focus specifically on the needs of family child care homes. They work alongside providers to help set goals and develop a professional development plan for their programs. Please call CCRC at (336) 245-4900 and ask to speak with a Provider Specialist if you are interested in participating in the Continuum of Professional Development.

Services for Child Care Centers

Infant/Toddler Quality Enhancement Project

The Infant/Toddler Quality Enhancement Project supports 2 Infant/Toddler Specialists who provide support to child care programs to help improve the quality of I/T care across Region 10. The Specialists are also available to conduct workshops focusing on I/T care, including ITS-SIDS, ITERS-R, Language Development, Social Emotional Milestones, and Outdoor Learning Environments.

Promoting Healthy Social Behaviors (Child Care Centers and Public Pre-K)

The Behavior Specialists work with licensed child care programs to effectively prevent, identify, and address challenging behaviors in young children. They also work with programs to create solution strategies within the classroom setting and with a child’s family, to help diminish challenging behaviors in children 2-5 years of age. They are available for professional development training and support both experienced and new classroom teachers across Region 10. The research basis for their philosophy is from the Center on the Social Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL).

Healthy Social Behaviors Tip Sheets

School Age Quality Improvement Project

The School Age Specialist works with school age programs to improve the availability and quality of care in school age classrooms. The specialist provides Technical Assistance to child care programs in Region10 and can conduct SACERS and BSAC training sessions.

Smart Start of Forsyth County

Smart Start of Forsyth County (SSFC) provides information to individuals operating or interested in opening child care programs in Forsyth County. Smart Start of Forsyth County offers Technical Assistance Services (TAS), a membership-based service for any professional who works with children from birth to five years of age. TAS provides professional development, classroom and center resources, support, consultation, technical and financial assistance. As a member, professionals receive all TAS services and programs at no cost. These services include a curriculum support lending library, fingerprinting services (small cost associated with this service), professional development training, and a new staff orientation offered twice a year. A monthly director’s forum is also offered for networking purposes. Child care centers may also participate in the quality improvement program or the quality maintenance program to increase or maintain their star rating. For additional information, call 725-6011.

Professional Development

Professional development is a vital component of the NC State licensure for child care.CCRC provides ongoing technical assistance and staff training, including CPR/First Aid, to child care professionals in Forsyth and surrounding counties. View the Professional Development Training Calendar to see a complete listing of current and up-coming workshops.

Educational Opportunities

The decision to change your career path or increase your existing knowledge can lead to endless opportunities. Take a step towards your educational goals by learning about organizations that can help you plan, finance and capture your dream. Learn more by visiting the following websites:

Caring for children can be one of the most rewarding professions and one of the most challenging. There are a number of career opportunities in the early education field ranging from working in a child care center to owning a child care business to providing technical support to improve the quality of child care.

Child Care Needs Assessments

CCRC houses information about the supply of child care throughout Forsyth and surrounding counties. If you are starting a child care program, we can provide information on the average cost of child care by type of facility, the average weekly cost or the number of child care spaces available of care by zip code.

For more information call (336) 245-4900 or send an e-mail to

Finger Printing and Background Checks

The state of NC requires that all individuals working in child care facilities have background checks. Call CCRC at (336) 245-4900 and ask to speak with a Provider Specialist for more information.

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