102 W. 3RD ST., SUITE 750
PHONE: (336) 245-4900
TOLL-FREE: (800) 937-7610
FAX: (336) 608-4352
Childcare providers who seek to provide quality care continue their education through professional development. The requirements set forth by DCDEE requires a specified number of in-service based on the teacher’s level of education. With the additional requirements why are providers content to be labeled as “babysitters”? This training will provide information on how to advocate for professionalism across the field of Early Childhood Education. Participants will learn about available resources to support professional development, organizations they can engage with, and what grassroots advocacy can do to benefit the ECE field. (DCDEE 6)
Presenter: Ashley Reid , Technical Assistance Specialist
Fee: $10.00
2 DCDEE credit hrs.
Deadline to register is May 17th @ 12pm
Limited seating available!!!
Please note: Participating in training while in the classroom may be violation of child care licensing rules. We encourage all participants to arrange to be relieved from child staff ratio to be fully present in the training. Active participation during the live event is required to receive DCDEE credit for this class.
No refunds unless class is canceled by CCRC.