102 W. 3RD ST., SUITE 750
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“Going Outside” is not just about what is out there but what you do when you are out there. It is in the news almost weekly; America’s children are not getting enough exercise. The First Lady has taken on this cause because it has become a serious issue for our children today. This training will help participants understand the benefits of taking children outside daily and provide suggestions on how to create spaces for infants and toddlers outside that support all areas of learning and introduce them to the natural environment. Finally, participants will be giving ideas on what activities can be included in their outdoor spaces. This training provides information that supports ITERS-R subscales: Space and Furnishings, Personal Care Routines, Activities and Interactions. (DCDEE 1, 2, 8)
Presenter: Sandy Weaver, Infant Toddler Specialist
Child Care Resource Center, Region 10
2.0 DCDEE credit hrs.