102 W. 3RD ST., SUITE 750
PHONE: (336) 245-4900
TOLL-FREE: (800) 937-7610
FAX: (336) 608-4352
Children have a difficult time adjusting to change, who doesn’t! Change can make us feel powerless and helpless. In children, this is because they lack the ability to protect themselves or others, and they feel intense fear or insecurity. Young children and even school age children are beginning to develop coping skills, but often do not have all of the language to fully express all of these intense feelings during traumatic times. The early care and education setting can be a place for rebounding and recovery as children’s play may reflect all aspects of the event. Through reenactment and observation we can see how children are feeling and help them work through those feelings by guiding discussions and answering their questions. The role of the early educator is essential to their well-being. The physical environment and materials along with planning and thoughtful and intentional interactions can aid in the recovery of children.