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102 W. 3RD ST., SUITE 750
PHONE: (336) 245-4900
TOLL-FREE: (800) 937-7610
FAX: (336) 608-4352

Davie County/in-person It’s Sids Training

Smart Start of Davie County 1278 Yadkinville Road, Mocksville, NC, United States

For new participates and renewal of certification. This required training explains all the parts of North Carolina’s SIDS Law. Participants will review information about when and how to use the approved waivers, how to best place a baby in bed to sleep, and other “Best Practice” recommendations. During the workshop, participants will get the needed […]


DAVIDSON- ITS SIDS by Zoom 9/10/2024

First Lutheran Church 320 S State St, Lexington, NC, United States

PLEASE READ ALL OF THIS!!!!!!!!!!!! Some of our SIDS Trainings are by zoom and some are face to face. Be sure to know which one you have signed up for. Virtual Zoom trainings are only for those that have had taken ITS SIDS before. IF this is your first time; you will need to make sure […]


Surry-Partnering With Families to Address Challenging Behaviors

Virtual Online Training NC, United States

When a child uses challenging behaviors at school, parents and teachers need to work together to address the issue. However, when discussing behavior problems parents often feel blamed by the teachers and teachers often feel unsupported by the parents. This session focuses on developing strategies and skills to make these conversations more productive for everyone…especially […]


Forsyth-Mitigating Stress and Trauma

Smart Start of Forsyth County, Inc 7820 N Point Blvd 200 WinstonSalem, NC 27106 7820 N Point Blvd Ste 200, Winston-Salem, NC, United States

In this session we will focus on the four quadrants of self-care as a tool to organize and audit self-care techniques for dealing with stress and trauma.


CCRC – NC FELD (Foundations for Early Learning Development)

Virtual Online Training NC, United States

The revised Foundations spans birth to age 5 and includes goals, developmental indicators, and strategies in five developmental domains: •Approaches to Play and Learning •Emotional and Social Development •Health and Physical Development •Language Development and Communication •Cognitive Development Presenter: Laura Brown Early Childhood Coach Child Care Resource Center 336.245.4900 ext. 1002 Fee: $25.00 Credit Hours: […]

Forsyth-Playground Safety

Smart Start of Forsyth County, Inc 7820 N Point Blvd 200 WinstonSalem, NC 27106 7820 N Point Blvd Ste 200, Winston-Salem, NC, United States

This training addresses playground safety hazards, playground supervision, maintenance and general upkeep of the outdoor learning environment, and age and developmentally appropriate playground materials and equipment. Trainer: Susan Smith , Susan Gunter


Surry-Introduction to The Pyramid Model

Mt Airy Public Library, 145 Rockford St, Mt Airy, NC 27030, USA

Pyramid Model related to: Equity, Inclusion,Trauma-informed care, Data for use in decision-making, Understanding child behavior, and more.This event will be held Tuesday September 24th  6:15 until 7:45pm an the Mount Airy public library. 1.5 CU's Trainer:Melissa BurrowSCECP CCR&R Registration Closes at Noon the Day Before TrainingTo Register For Workshops/Trainings Call (336)-786-1880 OR Email   [email protected] All trainings […]


Surry-ITS-SIDS For New Staff And Renewal

Virtual Online Training NC, United States

Prevention of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Use of Safe Sleep Practices. State mandated safe sleep training for child care providers working with infants. Required every 3 years. Melissa Burrow SCECP CCR&R, ITS-SIDS Certified Trainer Registration Closes at Noon the Day Before Training To Register For Workshops/Training's Call (336)-786-1880 OR Email [email protected] All trainings will […]


Forsyth-Child Abuse and Neglect Awareness and Prevention

Smart Start of Forsyth County, Inc 7820 N Point Blvd 200 WinstonSalem, NC 27106 7820 N Point Blvd Ste 200, Winston-Salem, NC, United States

This training contains information about child maltreatment, abuse, neglect, trafficking, and other topics you may find uncomfortable.The intent of the material is to educate participants on child maltreatment to include risk factor, signs, symptoms, identifying, documenting, and reporting suspected maltreatment. Trainer: Keturah Ogelsby



The Department of Public Health 799 North Highland Avenue WinstonSalem, NC 27101 401 N Highland Ave, Winston-Salem, NC, United States

Learn what assessors are looking for in the classroom environment as well as the teacher-child interactions that impact infant and toddlers’ developmental milestones. Also, discuss practices that will help increase your scores. Trainer: Wendy Dickens


CCRC – NC FELD (Foundations for Early Learning Development) 1 &2

Virtual Online Training NC, United States

The revised Foundations spans birth to age 5 and includes goals, developmental indicators, and strategies in five developmental domains: •Approaches to Play and Learning •Emotional and Social Development •Health and Physical Development •Language Development and Communication •Cognitive Development Presenter : Ayana O'Neil, Provider Specialist Session: 1 - 10.08.24 @ 6:00 - 8:30pm Session 2 - […]

Davidson- Davidson -Toxic Stress and Its Impact on Children

Virtual Online Training NC, United States

Stress is a fact of life, no matter your age. Some stress is good for us – it keeps us attentive, sharp, productive, and learning. But Toxic Stress affects brain development and learning in young children, and can have long-lasting effects. This session will help participants define stress responses and understand the difference between “tolerable” […]

Forsyth- ECERS

Smart Start of Forsyth County, Inc 7820 N Point Blvd 200 WinstonSalem, NC 27106 7820 N Point Blvd Ste 200, Winston-Salem, NC, United States

Learn what assessors are looking fir in the classrooms learning environment as well as teacher-child interactions that impact the quality of the early childhood learning environment. Also, discuss practices that will help increase your scores. Trainer:Rashida Mitchell to register please contact:  [email protected] or [email protected] or call (336)714-4370


CCRC – Emergency Preparedness and Response

Virtual Online Training NC, United States

Emergency Preparedness is essential when providing quality early care. Administrators and teachers need pre-planned strategies to address situations that require immediate attention. This learning session provides information and policies to prepare early educators for different types of emergencies. Presenter: LaVonya Washington , Early Education Coach Child Care Resource Center Cost: 15.00 Deadline to register 10.13.24 […]

Stokes-Partnering with Families to Address Challenging Behaviors: We are all in this together!

Virtual Online Training NC, United States

When a child uses challenging behaviors at school, parents and teachers need to work together to address the issue. However, when discussing behavior problems parents often feel blamed by the teachers and teachers often feel unsupported by the parents. This session focuses on developing strategies and skills to make these conversations more productive for everyone...especially […]


Forsyth- Art in the Classroom

Smart Start of Forsyth County, Inc 7820 N Point Blvd 200 WinstonSalem, NC 27106 7820 N Point Blvd Ste 200, Winston-Salem, NC, United States

Learn about the differences between teacher generated and child generated art, how to incorporate #D Art in your classroom with all age groups. also, how to improve creativity in the learning environment. to register please contact:  [email protected] or [email protected] or call (336)714-4370


Davidson- What’s in Your Teaching Toolkit?

Virtual Online Training NC, United States

Everyone needs practical strategies and materials to help with challenging behavior in young children (especially those that research has shown to be highly effective). This training walks participants through The Teaching Tools for Young Children with Challenging Behavior resource (known as TTYC). This tool is packed with strategies based on Positive Behavior Support and the […]

STOKES-It’s Just a Playground or is it really an Outdoor Learning Environment (Lunch and Learn)

Virtual Online Training NC, United States

Playgrounds can be a wonderful way for children to move their bodies, but did you know that they can also be a wonderful space to not only explore nature, but be surrounded by a variety of learning adventures. In this training, teachers will be able to see how to create high quality outdoor learning environments […]


Davidson- It’s SIDS

PLEASE READ ALL OF THIS!!!!!!!!!!!! Some of our SIDS Trainings are by zoom and some are face to face. Be sure to know which one you have signed up for. Virtual Zoom trainings are only for those that have had taken ITS SIDS before. IF this is your first time; you will need to make sure […]


Forsyth-Literacy in the Classroom

Smart Start of Forsyth County, Inc 7820 N Point Blvd 200 WinstonSalem, NC 27106 7820 N Point Blvd Ste 200, Winston-Salem, NC, United States

The literacy standards specified within the Foundation Blocks for Early Learning include oral expression, vocabulary, phonemic awareness, early knowledge, and word recognition, print and book awareness, and written expression. These are skills that should be introduced at all ages. Teachers should provide literacy experiences for children during every part of the day. Join us and […]



Virtual Online Training NC, United States

For new participates and renewal of certification. This required training explains all the parts of North Carolina’s SIDS Law. Participants will review information about when and how to use the approved waivers, how to best place a baby in bed to sleep, and other “Best Practice” recommendations. During the workshop, participants will get the needed […]


Davie- The Impact of Traumatic Stress on Young Children

Virtual Online Training NC, United States

Trauma is a word that we hear often these days. This training will offer providers a better understanding of the ways trauma can impact children and bring a greater understanding of some of the behaviors we see in young children. The five kinds of trauma that children can experience will be introduced, and insights on […]

STOKES-Appropriate expectations for children

Virtual Online Training NC, United States

Now that we know our basic child development, let's take it to the next level! How do we put our learnings into practice in our classrooms? How should we expect young children to behave in our class? What do we do when things don't go the way we expect? Let's discuss and learn what we […]



Virtual Online Training NC, United States

CPR/FA Cost $45 Please call Kennie to register 336-479-6739 Do not mail any registration or money to SSDC. Kennie will be in touch about the time and place. THE DATE SHOWN IS THE POSTED DATE NOT THE ACTUAL DATE FOR THIS TRAINING. PLEASE CALL THE NUMBER PROVIDED FOR MORE INFORMATION. 


FORSYTH-Children with Special Heath Care Needs

This training, developed by the North Carolina Child Care Health and Safety Resource Center, will include information about children with special health care needs, ADA inclusion requirements, care teams for children with special health care needs, the role of the CCHC, required documentation for children with special health care needs and for handling medical emergencies […]

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