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PHONE: (336) 245-4900
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DAVIDSON-2nd SESSION 3 QTR Fire Safety Training January 1-March 22, 2025

Virtual Online Training NC, United States

About this event Fire Safety Training 1 hour training D Trainer: Shane Draughn Once you buy ticket; you will receive an email and click "View the Event" to view training, etc. YOU MUST TAKE THIS TRAINING January 1- March 22, 2024. This is an on demand training so you take it at your convenience by […]


Stokes-Effectively communicating with families- It’s all about time, connection and methods

Virtual Online Training NC, United States

Communication with families is a vital component to a child’s school-home experience. Families are the child’s first teacher, so having a relationship with them that fosters bonds is important to the experiences the child and teacher have in the classroom. In this training, teacher will learn about ways to communicate and build bonds with families […]


CCRC – Emergency Preparedness and Response

Virtual Online Training NC, United States

Emergency Preparedness is essential when providing quality early care. Administrators and teachers need pre-planned strategies to address situations that require immediate attention. This learning session provides information and policies to prepare early educators for different types of emergencies. Presenter: Laura Brown Early Childhood Coach Child Care Resource Center 336.245.4900 ext. 1002 Cost: 15.00 Deadline to […]


Stokes-Preventing Power Struggles with Preschoolers

Virtual Online Training NC, United States

WE all want to be in control of our own lives. But young children usually have very few opportunities to make choices about what they do and when they do it. They're told when to get up, what to wear, what to eat and when to eat, where to go and what to do when […]



Virtual Online Training NC, United States

ITS SIDS -Meets DCDEE safe sleep training for teachers and/or administrators working with infants. Participants will learn about best practices and receive information on how to create a safe sleep policy, how to use waivers, hear updated research about SIDS, and local health and safety resources as well as learn what to do if you […]



Virtual Online Training NC, United States

MODULE I: STRENGTHENING FISCAL MANAGEMENT FOR FAMILY CHILD CARE PROGRAMS: BUDGETS, PROJECTIONS, AND PLANNING The purpose of this training is to strengthen child care providers’ foundational knowledge of fiscal terms, […]


DAVIDSON-ITS SIDS by Zoom 3.4.2025

Virtual Online Training NC, United States

ITS SIDS -Meets DCDEE safe sleep training for teachers and/or administrators working with infants. Participants will learn about best practices and receive information on how to create a safe sleep policy, how to use waivers, hear updated research about SIDS, and local health and safety resources as well as learn what to do if you […]


CCRC- Infant Toddler Zone: Building Relationships with Infants and Toddlers

Virtual Online Training NC, United States

Nurturing relationships are critical to the healthy development of infants and toddlers, and are essential to adult wellness. The focus of this training is on the components of important relationships that sustain us throughout our lives, and how we can build them with young children. Join us as we look into the process of developing […]



Virtual Online Training NC, United States

For new participates and renewal of certification. This required training explains all the parts of North Carolina’s SIDS Law. Participants will review information about when and how to use the approved waivers, how to best place a baby in bed to sleep, and other “Best Practice” recommendations. During the workshop, participants will get the needed […]



Virtual Online Training NC, United States

MODULE II: STRENGTHENING FISCAL MANAGEMENT FOR FAMILY CHILD CARE PROGRAMS: FINANCIAL REPORTS AND INTERNAL CONTROLS The purpose of this training is to strengthen child care providers’ foundational knowledge of fiscal terms, concepts, and practices. It encourages providers to realize the importance of fiscal planning to the sustainability of their business. It provides tips and best […]


CCRC – Basic School Age Care (BSAC) Online

Virtual Online Training NC, United States

BSAC (Basic School Age Care) is a 5-hour introductory level training event for school age care professionals that are new to the field. The training includes the following modules: 1) Health, Safety, & Nutrition,2) Environmental Design, 3) Child/Youth Development 4) Developmentally Appropriate Activities, 5) Guiding Child Behavior, and 6) Quality School Age Care. This training […]


Stokes-Staying on Track

Virtual Online Training NC, United States

Why are daily classroom routines and schedules so important in the daily lives of teachers and young children? How does following a consistent daily schedule with embedded routines support the social and emotional development of the children in your class? What can we do to help children stay on track as they move through a […]



Virtual Online Training NC, United States

STRENGTHENING FISCAL MANAGEMENT FOR FAMILY CHILD CARE PROGRAMS: FINANCIAL REPORTS AND INTERNAL CONTROLS The purpose of this training is to strengthen child care providers’ foundational knowledge of fiscal terms, concepts, and practices. It encourages providers to realize the importance of fiscal planning to the sustainability of their business. It provides tips and best practices to […]


Stokes- Developmentally Appropriate Behavior: But, I’m suppose to act like this!

Virtual Online Training NC, United States

Children use many different kinds of behavior as they grow and test their skills. Some of these behaviors, although appropriate for their developmental age, are still very challenging for teachers. This session focuses on understanding when children can be expected to acquire certain social-emotional skills and guides participants toward understanding, respecting and responding to developmentally […]


CCRC – Playground Safety Parts 1 & 2

Virtual Online Training NC, United States

Outdoor play encourages movement and physical activity that is stimulating for children’s development and learning. The Playground safety training addresses playground safety hazards, playground supervision, maintenance, general upkeep of the outdoor area, and age and developmentally appropriate playground equipment. This training offers a practical and educational interpretation of North Carolina Child Care Commission’s playground safety […]



Virtual Online Training NC, United States

“Staff Recruitment and Retention for “Family Child Care Providers,” supports child care administrators in their efforts to strengthen systems of staff recruitment and improve their ability to retain quality staff. This training reinforces the belief that sound business practices improve the sustainability of child care businesses. Strong and sustainable child care businesses can support program […]

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