102 W. 3RD ST., SUITE 750
PHONE: (336) 245-4900
TOLL-FREE: (800) 937-7610
FAX: (336) 608-4352
This required training explains all the parts of North Carolina’s SIDS Law. Participants will review information about when and how to use the approved waivers, how to best place a baby in bed to sleep, and other “Best Practice” recommendations. During the workshop, participants will get the needed information to create a Safe Sleep Policy, updated research about SIDS, and local health and safety resources. Participants also will be walked through how to do an unresponsive infant drill and the reason for doing them regularly.
Presenter: Sandy Weaver, Infant Toddler Specialist
Training Information:
Smart Start of Davie County will continue to provide free training for teachers who serve children birth to five in Davie County, unless otherwise noted below*. Please note, there is a $10 fee for teachers who serve children outside of Davie County ($40 for CPR +First Aid).
If you must cancel, please remove yourself from the training sign up and contact Katie Speer at 336.751.2113 or kspeer@daviesmartstart.org at least 3 business days prior to the meeting. A $10 no-show fee will be charged to those that sign up for a class but do not attend. This fee must be paid before signing up for any other class through Smart Start of Davie County. Space is limited in each class and no-shows take a training opportunity away from another child care professional.