102 W. 3RD ST., SUITE 750
PHONE: (336) 245-4900
TOLL-FREE: (800) 937-7610
FAX: (336) 608-4352
ITS SIDS –Meets DCDEE safe sleep training for teachers and/or administrators working with infants. Participants will learn about best practices and receive information on how to create a safe sleep policy, how to use waivers, hear updated research about SIDS, and local health and safety resources as well as learn what to do if you come upon an unresponsive infant and how to conduct drills.
– IN PERSON–If you are taking ITS-SIDS for the first time, you are required to take it in-person. However, in-person classes are open to anyone.
– VIRTUALLY–If you have taken ITS-SIDS before and are renewing, you must register to receive the zoom link.
Chunda Teal or Sherry Brannon 2 Hours by Zoom or Face to Face
Some of our SIDS Trainings are by zoom and some are face to face. Be sure to know which one you have signed up for. Virtual Zoom trainings are only for those that have had taken ITS SIDS before. IF this is your first time; you will need to make sure you take it face to face. (this is in the agreement letter along with your introduction letter)
This required training explains all the parts of North Carolina’s SIDS Law. Participants will review information about when and how to use the approved waivers, how to best place a baby in bed to sleep, and other “Best Practice” recommendations. During the workshop, participants will get the needed information to create a Safe Sleep Policy, updated research about SIDS, and local health and safety resources. Participants also will be walked through how to do an unresponsive infant drill and the reason for doing them regularly.
This event is designed to be an interactive experience and requires full participation including dialogue response and virtual tools during the slide presentation. Participants should choose electronic devices that allow them to see, hear and participate in the full event. Smart phone and tablet apps may be limited in their functionality and compatibility with this learning platform. Credit for the course will not be given to participants that are not actively participating. through the dialogue/chat boxes and interactive tools.
Please complete the trainer agreement and sign in and bring to training if face to face. If the training is by Zoom; please complete and fax or scan over to the trainer before the training to sherryb@partnershipforchildren.org – This will be in your welcome/introduction letter. Thank you. Once you have registered through Even Brite, you will receive an email confirming your placement. The electronic ticket received is not how you access any of our Zoom trainings. You will receive a separate email containing information on how and when to access the on-line training, if by zoom.
• If you register and do not attend no refund or credit will be given. You will not be able to switch classes. Training fills up fast; please register as soon as possible.
• Admittance is not allowed after the first 15 minutes of class.
• No Refunds will be given unless class is canceled by Smart Start of Davidson County.
• Certificates will be awarded at the end of class with a pre/post assessment and completed evaluation. Please give Jan time to get your certificates out to you. The Survey links will be in your participant /introduction letter!
Your LINK to SIGN INTO the TRAINING will be in the Introduction letter (if by zoom) .
• Kindness and respect for one another and the presenter are expected.
Please note: Participating in training while in the classroom may be a violation of childcare licensing rules. We encourage all participants to arrange to be relieved from child staff ratio to be fully present in the training. Active participation during the live event is required to receive DCDEE credit for this class. ALL Participates Must Have Camera On Durning the training. No refunds! You will be required to have on your video at all times so the presenter can see you if by zoom.
You will not receive credit if you are driving, at wal-mart, at ballgames, etc. You must be able to give your full attention to the training and participate in breakout rooms, chat, etc.