102 W. 3RD ST., SUITE 750
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Demands on teachers and children are increasing. A significant percentage of teachers report more challenging behaviors in their classroom and frustration in their knowledge and ability to work with these children. Skills once expected in kindergarten are being pushed down into preschool. Play is disappearing. In this session we will:
• Identify reasons (supported by research) why play is important
• Discuss challenging behaviors and how play may decrease those behaviors
• Describe the overall concept of Dr. Stanley Greenspan’s Floortime
• Analyze common preschool play items and discuss learning goals that are being met
• Practice explaining the importance of play to parents
Accepted by DCDEE as 5 contact hours toward training requirements. Successful course completion requires a participant to be present, actively contributing to discussions and activities, both sessions.
April 16 & 18, 2018, 6:30 PM until 9:00 PM
Sponsored by Smart Start of Davie County
Trainer: Nicole Randall, Education Specialist
Location: Smart Start of Davie County
This class is 5 contact hours. You MUST attend BOTH nights to receive credit for the course. Please sign up for both nights.
*NOTE: This .5 CEU course is offered to Davie County childcare providers at a discounted rate of $10. The cost for those outside of Davie County will be $20.
Click on the link below to register: