102 W. 3RD ST., SUITE 750
PHONE: (336) 245-4900
TOLL-FREE: (800) 937-7610
FAX: (336) 608-4352
BEFORE YOU REGISTER YOU MUSTS PROVE YOU HAVE TAKEN ITS SIDS BEFORE. YOU MUST EMAIL jand@partnershipforchildren.org a copy of your past ITS SIDS certificate. IF this is your first time taking ITS SIDS you must contact Sherry Brannon at sherryb@partnershipforchildren.org to let her know you need to take ITS SIDS face to face. Thank you for understanding. These are the DCDEE guidelines as of April 1, 2022.
Meets DCDEE safe sleep training for teachers and/or administrators while working with infants. Participants will learn about best practices and receive information how to create a safe sleep policy, how to use waivers, hear updated research about SIDS, and local health and safety resources as well as learn what to do if you come upon an unresponsive infant and how to conduct drills.
Chunda Teal or Sherry Brannon 2 HoursFor more information contact Smart Start of Davidson County at (336) 249-6688 Ext 217 or email: sherryb@partnershipforchildren.org