102 W. 3RD ST., SUITE 750
PHONE: (336) 245-4900
TOLL-FREE: (800) 937-7610
FAX: (336) 608-4352
Preventing and responding to injury and illness in early care and education.
Presenter: Joan Coiro, SCECP NCPK/CCR&R Coordinator
Cost: $0.00
Credit: 2 DCDEE hrs.
Contact Surry County Early Childhood Partnership for more information at (336) 786-1880 or Email: smartstartofsurry@embarqmail.com.
All trainings will be closed 10 minutes after the starting time. Anyone who enters the training after that time may sit in and participate but will not receive DCD credit. * Lamination and Die Cut weeks are as follows: Jan. 6th-Jan. 10, Feb. 3rd-Feb.7th, Mar. 2nd- Mar. 6th. Health & Safety Trainings and Child Development trainings will be offered throughout the year. Child Attendance is not encouraged. Please use training time to fulfill training requirements.