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SWCD/CCRC – Solving Conflict in School Age Settings – On Demand

School Age children find themselves in precarious situations that often lead to escalated conflict with their peers.  Conflicts arise in the classroom, lunchroom, library, school bus, playground, while standing in line, and any place where kids gather. During adolescence into the developing stages of puberty, many children act out their emotions in the form of […]


Davidson – ITS SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)

Meets DCDEE safe sleep training for teachers and/or administrators while working with infants. Participants will learn about best practices and receive information how to create a safe sleep policy, how to use waivers, hear updated research about SIDS, and local health and safety resources as well as learn what to do if you come upon […]


Stokes – Safe Handling of Children

In this training a better understanding will be given on the safe handling of children. Participants will learn what rules DCDEE has laid out for this topic, the types of injuries that can occur if inappropriate handling does occur and the repercussions that could occur if accidents/injuries occur. Participants then will have an overview of […]

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